Johann Braun

I am 46 years old and live in Geneva. I work in Biel and Geneva.

I speak three languages – German, French and English – and I am happy to accept mandates in all of those three.

Training and memberships

I received a Diplom in psychology (equivalent to a Masters degree) from the university of Koblenz- Landau in Germany in 2011, which was recognised in Switzerland on the federal level in 2018.

I was trained as a therapist in humanistic psychodrama in Berlin, where I received my degree in 2017. This title is recognised by the PDH, Psychodrama Helvetia (interest group of psychodramatists in Switzerland).

I also received training as a Klärungshelfer at the IFK (Institute for Klärungshilfe, 2019)

I am a member of the FSP, federation of swiss psychologists.

Professional experience

I worked for several years as a psychologist and psychotherapist in several institutions.

Reinhessenfachklinik Mainz (D) – departments: Child neurology and child and adolescent psychiatry.

Regionalspital Emmental/Langnau BE – department for general psychiatry

MZjE Arxhof – detention center for young adults, Niederdorf, Bl

ZFPP Biel, Center of psychiatry and psychotherapy in Biel, BE

Futhermore I have always worked as a coach and counselor on the side.